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Custom software development

Your business is unique. It needs a software system tailored to your company’s specific needs. You need the system to be efficient, and highly usable with good design. It should handle high and varying traffic and user work loads. You are in need of a custom software solution.

WNPL provides full end-to-end development of custom software and mobile application development services. These services range from business analysis and UI/UX design to software and app development, testing, deployment and publishing. We offer a wide range of custom application solutions tailored to your business needs and specifications. This involves using well established guidelines, steps and project management practices and the use of latest technologies.

We provide an extensive range of services:

  • New Software Product Development
  • Modifying an existing Product
  • Technology Migration
  • Integration with other products and platforms
  • Rescue of unfinished software
  • Legacy system upgrades
  • SaaS-based tools and Architecture advancement
  • Desktop application development
  • iOS and Android Mobile App Development
  • Custom Web applications and websites
  • Custom eCommerce solutions
  • Custom web tools development
  • B2B and 3rd party systems integrations
  • Research & Development
  • Development of complex/mathematical algorithms
  • Minimum viable product (MVP) development
  • End-to-end Enterprise applications development
  • Complex Software systems - development and maintenance
  • Backend (cloud) development
  • Industrial grade applications to conform to enterprise features
  • Secure, scalable and measurable
  • Product scaling and product upgrading
  • Support in ‘Australia’
  • Simple or complex - all platforms welcome
  • Full and extensive set of deliverables
  • Delivery on time
  • Wearables and embedded software
  • Augmented reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Use of Big data
  • Cloud Application Development
  • Security & Compliance
  • Product prototyping
  • Data Migration & Consolidation Services
  • Reports and reporting services
  • Search platforms (Apache Solr, AWS Cloud Search, etc.)

Desktop application development

Desktop apps are architected, designed and built different to Web apps and Mobile apps. Our Windows desktop applications and windows services development team deliver quality custom software solutions after careful business analysis and requirements gathering with your team.

Desktop applications are preferred over web apps for many reasons, some of them are:

  • Can run without internet
  • Can run heavy algorithms on the client side
  • Can improve security of the apps and its data
  • Better performance than web apps
  • Can be automated to sync with Windows events
  • Can integrate with many other desktop apps
  • Has better interaction with Operating system
  • Better use of multiple threads

For Windows desktop we are able to provide a host of technologies for the UI, including UWP, WPF, Qt and WinForms. A host of deployment technologies are also available: Windows Store, Click Once, Squirrel and Chocolatey. These desktop applications can be installed using Install shield, Inno Setup or Wix.

iOS and Android Mobile App Development

WNPL works with you from the stage of idea to publishing your mobile app. Please Enterprise app development services to see the services we provide.

Custom Web applications and websites

Web apps for the intranet or internet custom built to meet your organisational needs are built with the following in mind:

  • Attractive. User friendly user interfaces designed and built with usability I mind
  • Highly available. High performance under heavy traffic loads
  • Cost-effective. When appropriate we use modules, components and best practices to reduce cost.
  • Modula design and architecture for quick upgrades, addition of new features, etc.
  • Supports multiple platforms. Mobile responsive designs
  • Highly complex and system that need R&D
  • Integrations with third party platforms, software and engines
  • Integrations with existing internal systems and legacy applications
  • Highly secure to protect data in transit and under storage

Custom eCommerce solutions

Purpose-built in enterprise eCommerce solution to suit your specific needs and integrations. This provides all features of “Custom Web applications and websites”, plus the following:

  • Integrations with CMS, ERP, CRM, social media
  • UI UX design to suit your merchandise and sales channels
  • Administration dashboard for Administrators to manage inventory, sales, marketing and HR resources
  • Back-end control panel to manage administrative users
  • Database and Application design and architecture with high traffic and heavy user engagement in mind
  • Bespoke presentation layer that allows client-side applications and mini applets

SAAS products

WNPL is capable of developing highly secure and available SAAS products for use by your internal teams, your clients or third parties. These end-to-end SAAS solutions are architected, designed, developed, implemented and supported to accommodate peak loads and adapt to changing customer requirements and future upgrades. These SAAS systems:

  1. Offers your customers a clear and reliable service
  2. Adapts quickly to changing requirements
  3. Secure and scalable
  4. Provides multiple protocols and connectivity

Custom web tools development

Specific tools deployed infernally or externally for your organisation to manage specific functionalities. This can be small tool or a large platform. We custom build them from scratch to meet your needs and requirements. Like any of our services, these are built with security, availability and usability in mind.


Your organisation might be working with disconnected systems. This means you have to transfer data or access different systems to get your work done. OR

You want to enhance your system to communicate with other new, existing or legacy systems.

Implementing integrations of your existing legacy systems and your custom software with external or internal applications and platforms can enhance existing systems and introduce new functionally. This would be developed with security, scalability and availability in mind. We have experience with popular external integrations like Payment gateways, marketing channels and social media platforms.

WNPL has successfully developed and delivered custom software suctions that integrate with third-party platforms like Shopify, Stripe, Braintree, PayPal, etc. To see a full list of integrations, please see this list. Our Engineers are experienced n authentication mechanisms, data import and export, communication and security in using and maintaining the integrations with these platforms.

Software Rescue & Legacy Systems Upgrades

Maybe, your Software project is old and failing. OR, it is a new one but half finished. There are no resources to rescue the system to get it working. It could also be possible that you might be running out of time to get it back on track. It is a frustrating experience for your team.

We are familiar with this situation. We can work with you to get your project working.

  • Assessment of current system and Cost estimate to rescue
  • Testing and Trouble shooting. Identifying any Bugs to fix
  • Modernisation and enhancements to the existing system
  • Source Control. Code management with industry standard tools
  • System Analysis. Identification of problem areas within the current system and potential areas for improvement
  • Remediation strategy. To get your system up and working again.
  • Optimisation and efficiency improvement
  • Security assessment and implementation of penetration testing solutions
  • Full-Stack Development.
  • Full support. Post delivery support. Documentation, User manuals, training materials, Enhancements, Help in Rollouts

Research & Development

Your project might need a certain level Research before development can begin. Maybe, it might need several levels of Research and Development to come up with a Minimum Viable Product. We work with your team to get the product built from the ideation stage to research, development and into production.

We welcome and enjoy:

  • All levels of Research and Development activities
  • Any level of complexity
  • Latest technology
  • Latest appliances and platforms
  • R&D involving Legacy systems
  • Identify items that are patentable
  • Work with patent attorneys
  • Work with your team in filing Tax benefits for the R&D work done
  • Work with Grant consultants and your team to apply for Federal and state R&D grants

Complex Software systems development and maintenance

Some software systems are inherently complex, since they handle a range of complex data, interactions, algorithms, connectivity and integrations. Such systems need special people and different approach. Our architecture and business analysis team can work with you to deliver large and complex systems that handle and interact with multiple disparate systems that work on different protocols and platforms. We work with you from ideation to architecture, design development and delivery.

Custom reporting solutions

Requirements for a reporting solution increases over time within a business. Many conventional tools and readymade solutions are not usually appropriate these business challenges.

  • Connect to a wide range of data sources
  • Data conversions and massaging for reporting
  • Save and cache reports
  • Security and scalability of reports
  • Report available in useful formats: text, charts, pdf, video, etc.
  • Easy to use

Business analysis Services

Rich business requirements definitions improve the success and quick delivery of your custom software project. We help align business strategies, business processes and business requirements.

  • Enunciation of project’s business objectives and desired outcomes.
  • Outline problems, opportunities and solutions for a business
  • Planning requirements efforts, including execution and facilitation plans
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Create necessary documents and visual models
  • Measure success of implementation and execution as the project progresses
  • Maintain, upgrade and transition knowledge to your team members.
  • Manage requirement changes.
  • Reporting the requirement, changes, costing and project status to stakeholders

Custom Software solutions for your industry

We develop and serve a wide range of industry sectors, ranging from small start-ups to large business organisations. Our consultants have worked with a variety of industries, including, but not limited to:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Fintech
  • Food and delivery
  • Health
  • Retail
  • eCommerce
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Science & Engineering
  • Research and Development
  • Civil Engineering
  • Banking
  • Governance
  • Security and Compliance industries

Development process guidelines

We follow clear development process steps that adhere to established guidelines. These processes are quite effective and crucial in timely delivery, quality, security, availability and support.

  • Clear understanding of project objectives
  • Functional requirements/specifications obtained from Business requirements
  • Effective communication with our clients
  • Single-person-contact at our end to ensure ease and clarity of communication
  • Identification of project risks and communicating to clients on how we mitigate them
  • Mutually agreed product strategy and development roadmap
  • Strong skills in working with client’s team and environment

Our Team

Combining deep industry insight and leadership in mobile apps development and technology, our team will help you create practical and seamless experiences on multiple devices and platforms, through process transformation and design thinking—to succeed in today’s digital economy.

Our team has decades of experience in Mobile technology. We have worked in many complex projects and also those need high level of mathematics and Research and development. In fact, we love complexity and R&D.

Custom AI/ML and Operational Efficiency development for large enterprises and small/medium businesses.
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1300 633 225

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